Saturday, October 19, 2019

Battle of Tarawa Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Battle of Tarawa - Term Paper Example The battle was meant to stop the Japanese operations in the central regions of the pacific and the Americans initiated it. The United States marine force was the only ones that used amphibious warfare, but were opposed for the first time by the Japanese during this war. After this war, it was discovered that amphibious warfare played a big role in aiding military operations in inaccessible areas. The Political and Strategic Considerations Facing the Americans in the Central Pacific In 1943 Tarawa was the first attempt of the Americans to use amphibious warfare against a highly guarded beach. The United States were fighting to capture the island of Tarawa from the Japanese so that they could use it for their pacific military operations. During this time, the World War II was progressing into the pacific and the U.S navy needed a base in the east to launch their attacks. This was because they needed to be close to the places they were to launch attacks on and Tarawa provided the most v iable base (Tucker 515). The Marianas islands were also a strategic position for the United States navy to launch attacks and hound the Japanese away. These islands provided a close range to access the Philippines, Japan and other areas in the pacific. The islands of Tarawa provided a good base that the United States military would use to capture the Marianas islands hence they needed to base their operation there so that they could capture the Island easily by attacking the Japanese army. The Japanese also knew the importance of this island sand they had increased their defense over the land so that they could use it to conduct their defense operations. The battle started on November 20, 1943 and lasted for three days, but it is among the most callous assaults involving the marines. Since the islands were inaccessible, the United States marine used the sea to launch attacks on the Japanese soldiers who had not incorporated this technology into their defense mechanisms. The United S tates believed that the Japanese could only be defeated by amphibious attacks and they had strategized to defeat Germany, increase pressure on Japan to leave the islands and to keep China in the war (Langone 363). Why the Central Pacific Drive Begun In the Gilbert Islands The central pacific drive was stated in the Gilbert Islands because of their strategic position. They were a territory of the British but were taken up by the Japanese in 1941.they are north and west of other islands that were owned by the Japanese and were south and east of other important bases suitable for defense. These islands provided a suitable place for the Japanese forces to get access to the other parts of their territory since it was accessible unlike other areas. The United States navy aimed at this island so that they could secure a base for attacks on the Japanese. This island would offer good communication channels and other services that would aid in increasing pressure on the Japanese. Attacks from the gilberts islands would foster the United States efforts to attack the Japanese strong holds and this is why capturing the Gilbert Islands was of significant importance. The Key Operational Concerns during the Planning Of Operation Galvanic The Operation Galvanic was started by the United States navy and was intended to take over control of the Gilbert Island

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